©Copyright 2025
With the purpose of fulfilling what is established in the Federal Law for Protection of Personal data held by Private Persons (LFPDPPP), and its by-laws, the companies WGC y Asociados, S.A. de C.V., WMC Y Asociados, S.A. de C.V., Cualidinámica, S.C., Campo y Proceso, S.A. de C.V., WVCS y Asociados, S.C., y WYCC y Asociados, S.C., commercially identified jointly as “NODO” with the character of affiliates and under common control for the effects of the LFPDPPP, that operate under the same internal processes and policies, presents this privacy notice, that applies to personal data collected with previous consent of its Holder- participant, interviewee, interviewer - though which we inform the treatment that NODO in its character as Responsible will undertake with the personal data provided by you.
NODO with address in Homero 229, Piso 8, Colonia Polanco, Código Postal 11560, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, México, D.F., with telephone number 52 54 4242, and with the web site, as responsible of gathering your personal data, and of the use and protection given to this aforementioned data through the implementation technical, administrative and physical security measures that permit protecting them against any damage, loss, alteration, destruction or the unauthorized use, access or treatment by you as a holder, because we are aware of the importance of protecting your privacy against thirds and your right to informational self-determination.
In NODO we require to obtain and treat the following personal data of the Holder: Identification and contact data: Name, date of birth, age, sex, civil status, address, be it personal or work, e mail address, personal or work, telephone number, personal or work, mobile phone number; key to the Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC); Unique Code of Population Registration (CURP) and consumption preferences, signature, image and voice. Property and / or financial data: Type of credit card, debit card or bank accounts managed; household goods. Work data: Occupation; Occupation of head of household; command level within family level. Academic data: Last year of schooling; last year of schooling of head of household.
NODO, to be able to verify the identity of the Holder of the personal data, may garner the voting card; passport, or liberated national military service identity card.. Also, NODO, to fulfill the purposes previewed in the present Privacy Notice in the case of carrying out public opinion and market studies, will gather and treat sensitive personal data that refer to their political opinion, union affiliation, religious, moral and ethical beliefs and health status. NODO in its character as responsible agrees that said sensitive personal data will be treated under the strictest security measures, guaranteeing their confidentiality.
The present Privacy Notice contains the following terms and conditions:
I. Personal data we gather and purpose of the treatment. NODO can collect personal data when the Holder visits influx centers and is contacted by our interviewers or surveyors, in his/ her home- door to door- , when the responsible or his Persons in Charge communicate via telephone with the Holder, through group sessions (focus groups), in depth interviews, ethnography or through the usage of the contact link in our web site, through the voluntary provision of information through questionnaires administered in the corresponding location by the Responsible one, as well as through the use of cookies when navigating in our web site. The Responsible one can also gather personal data from public access sources, and from other sources available in the market to which the Holder could have given his consent to share his personal information. Personal data of the Holder are gathered and treated by NODO in its character as Responsible directly or by its persons in charge, to carry out the following main purposes: a. Carry out surveys or apply questionnaires for market research, public opinion and communication media studies; b. Invite the Holder to participate in surveys or questionnaires for market research, public opinion and communication studies; c. Carry out studies on demographic data, interests and behavior of their clients, consumers, suppliers or any third parties that they deal with; d. Give access to the different services of the corresponding web sites including the download of contents and formats; e. Invite the Holder to participate in chats/ and or forums of on line discussion about products/ and services, or debates about current political, social, moral, ethical or cultural topics. f. Invite the Holder to share his comments or suggestions on products or services. g. Carry out interviews via telephone to the Holders to apply questionnaires for public opinion and communication media studies, through the recording of these same interviews: h. Carry out video recording of the group sessions (focus groups), in depth interviews and/ or ethnographies; and i. Verify the participation of the Holder in the investigations for market, public opinion and communication studies. On the other hand, the Responsible will use the your personal information for the following secondary purposes, only in the case that consent is previously requested and you give it: A. Contact for the purpose of inviting you to participate in group sessions, in depth interviews or purchase simulations related to the present study; and B. Your information can be reviewed by our client, with the purpose of verifying the participant profile for group sessions, in depth interviews or purchase simulations, related to the present study. In case you don’t want your personal data to be used for the secondary purposes hereby described please indicate it in the following: I do not consent the usage of my personal data for the following purposes: ____ Secondary purpose___ Secondary purpose B.
The Responsible requires sharing your personal data with suppliers of collection services, automatic treatment of data as well as for the administration and management of data bases, and their storage; authentication and validation of electronic mails and auditing services. In the case of underage minors, the safeguarding of their personal data is extremely important for NODO, which is why our commitment is to gather the least indispensable amount of personal information, such as their name and age, with prior consent in writing by either parent or legal guardian. For this, NODO will verify the representation of the parent or legal guardian through their birth certificate, official identification and/or corresponding legal documentation. The aforementioned personal data will be used for the purposes determined in the present privacy notice. For this effect we request you should indicate if you do or do not authorize the treatment to the underage minor whose personal data is being used: ____Consent that the personal data of the minor will be treated in accordance to the terms and conditions of the present privacy notice. ____________________ Name and signature of the parent or legal guardian. NODO has instrumented the implementation and maintenance of the strictest security measures to ensure the confidentiality of underage minors.
II.- Consent of the Holder of personal data.
The Holder manifests that the present Privacy Notice has been presented to him by the Responsible. In the supposed case that the Holder is in disagreement with the treatment that the Responsible will give to his personal data, within the terms of this Privacy Notice, he can refuse to offer his consent at any moment, refusing to offer his personal data in the act that they are required for, or through the options and mechanisms that for said effect have been implemented in the present
Privacy Notice.
When it’s about personal data that is not considered to be sensitive, financial or patrimonial, and the Holder is not opposed to the terms of the present Privacy Notice, the content will be considered to be accorded and consented, in terms of the third paragraph of article ( of the LFPDPPP. The consent of the Holder can be revoked at any moment by him, without incurring in any retroactive effects, in the terms and in accordance to the procedures established further on, in agreement with this Privacy Notice. In the case that the gathered personal data include sensitive, patrimonial or financial data, the Responsible will carry out act that gather and constitute the explicit consent of the holder in terms of the second paragraph, article 8 of the LFPDPPP and other applicable legislations, through the signature of the corresponding format, be it in print or using electronic media, through direct responses in telephone interviews, and their corresponding processes for the formation of consent, or through the explicit consent and supply of personal information by the Holder of personal data.
In terms of what is established in article 9 of the Federal Law of Personal Data Protection in Possession of Private Individuals, we request your explicit consent for the treatment of financial and/ or patrimonial personal data, indicating if you do or don’t accept the treatment: ____Consent that my personal financial and/or patrimonial data will be treated in accordance to what has previously been indicated under the terms and conditions of the present privacy notice. Name of the Holder_______________________________Signature of the Holder____________________. In terms of the same law in the case of your sensitive data we require your explicit consent in writing through your signature for their treatment, indicating if you do or don’t accept: ____Consent that my sensitive data be treated in accordance to what I previously manifested under the terms and conditions of the present privacy notice.
Name of the Holder_________________________________ Signature of the Holder___________________________ Notwithstanding any disposition in this Privacy Notice, the Holder acknowledges that his consent will not be required for the treatment of personal data on the part of the Responsible or any third parties in any of the cases indicated in article 10 of the LFPDPPP. III.- Transference of personal data. The Responsible or any of the People in Charge, with prior consent form the Holder, can carry out transference of personal data to third parties either national or foreign, clients of the Responsible, with the understanding that the treatment given by the aforementioned third parties to the Holder’s personal data will have to be in accordance to what is established in this Privacy Notice, and only with the following secondary purpose: Verify the profile of the participants in group sessions, in-depth interviews or purchase simulations. We inform you that for the indicated transferences, we require your explicit consent in writing: If you don’t manifest your opposition to your personal data being transferred, it will be understood that you have awarded your consent for this, which is why we request you to indicate if you do or don’t accept the transference. ____Consent that my personal data be transferred in the terms indicated in the present Privacy Notice. Name and signature____________________________.
We commit to not transferring your personal information to third parties without your consent, with the exceptions appearing in article 37 of the LFPDPPP, as well as carrying out transferences in the terms indicated by the aforementioned law. ________Consent that my sensitive, financial and/or patrimonial personal data be transferred in the terms indicated in the present privacy notice. Name and signature________________________________ Nodo, in its character of Responsible and/ or its Persons in Charge may transfer personal data gathered from the Holder to any other society of the same corporate group to which the Responsible belongs, be it the controlling society, subsidiaries or affiliates and/or that operate with the same processes and internal politics, be it that they are in national territory or internationally for the treatment with the same purposes described in this Privacy Notice, and that in terms of the LFPDPPP consent is not required. In the supposed case that your personal information should be transferred to be processed in a different country than when it was given, previous consent awarded, said transference will be in accordance with the current Mexican legislation as well as the applicable laws for the protection of personal data. On the other hand and in the case that your personal data are treated with the purpose of participating in group sessions, in depth interview and or ethnography, be it as a participant( interviewee, respondent or informant), or supplier (recruiter or moderator) and as a secondary purpose, you authorize the Responsible to share your information with the Mexican Association of Agencies for Research and Public Opinion, A.C. (AMAI), of which the Responsible is an associate, with the effect of fulfilling the quality levels required in the Standard for Service for Market Research in Mexico (ESIMM) and additional rulings of AMAI. It should be mentioned that the Holder may be in opposition to his information being shared with AMAI, in which case he must state it in an explicit manner, through the opposing mechanisms that for said effect have been indicated beforehand. The previous excludes the participant from forming part of group sessions, in depth interviews and/ or ethnographic studies. For the transference of information to AMAI, as before mentioned, we require your explicit consent in writing: It should be mentioned that the Holder can refuse consent to share his information with AMAI, which should be in an explicit manner, through the following declaration, indicating if he does or does not accept said transference____ Consent to my personal data being transferable or shared with the AMAI. Name and signature of the Holder_____________________. The previous excludes the participant from forming part of group sessions, in depth interviews and/or ethnographic studies, in consideration of this being an indispensable requisite to be able to include him in the aforementioned study.
IV:- Storage and security of personal data. The one Responsible and/ or the Persons in Charge will store the Personal Data of the Holder during the time that is deemed necessary to process the market, public opinion and media research studies, as well as requests for information, as well to maintain the accounting , financial and auditing ledgers in terms of the LFPDPPP and of the current mercantile, fiscal and administration legislation. The Personal Data of the Holder gathered by the one Responsible and / or the Persons in Charge will be protected by administrative, technical and physical security measures, appropriate against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized usage, access or treatment in conformity with what is stated in the LFPDPPP and in the administrative regulation derived from the same .
V.- Use of “cookies” in our Internet page. NODO obtains information through its Internet page with the use of cookies, understanding “cookie” as the data file that is stored in the users’ computer hard drive, when the user has access to the Responsible page. The aforementioned files may contain information such as the identification offered by the user or information to track favorite pages of the user, to monitor his behavior as an Internet user, offering an improved service and experience to the user while he surfs through our page. A cookie is unable to neither read data or information from the users’ hard drive nor read cookies created by other sites or pages. In case cookies wish to be refused or accept them in a selective manner, it can be done by adjusting the preferences of your browser. Please consult the instructions on your browser to obtain more information. VI.- Department of Personal Data/ Privacy Office.
For any communication regarding our Privacy Notice, a request must be sent electronically to our Direction of Operations that functions as our privacy office, to the following e-mail address: and /or to the electronic link, or present your written request to the Nodo offices, located at Homero 229, piso 8, Colonia Polanco, Código Postal 11560 Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, México, D.F., Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00 VII.- Procedure to exercise ARCO rights. You as a Holder, or through your representative, have the right to access the personal data that you have authorized us to treat, as well as to know the information relative to the treatment conditions of the same; as well as to rectify them in case they are inaccurate or incomplete; at any time you can request NODO to cancel them when you consider they are not being treated according to the principles and duties established by the LFDPPP and its rulings, , or for being opposed to the treatment of the aforementioned data for specific purposes, in other words the exercise of your rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose ARCO’s acronym. NODO, has implemented as a mechanism for the exercise of said rights, the presentation of a request for information at our offices located at the address indicated in this privacy notice, directed to our Privacy office, or to the electronic or physical addresses indicated previously.
To be able to attend your request, it should contain the following information
1. Name of the Holder, address and/ or e mail address to communicate the answer to your request; 2. Documents that accredit your identity (voters ID, passport, professional identification, or FM3) in copies, or in its case, the legal representation of the Titleholder ( simple copy in printed or electronic format of the simple power of attorney, signed by the Titleholder, the proxy and the corresponding official identifications– voters ID, passport, professional identification, or FM3) ;3. The clear and precise description of the Personal Data over which some of the previous rights are intended to be exerted, and 4. Any other element or document that facilitates the localization of your Personal Data.
In the case of requests for rectification of your personal data, they should also indicate the modifications that need to be made and supply the documentation that supports the petition. NODO, has, according to the terms of the LFPDPPP, has a maximum period of twenty working days, counted from the date the access, rectification, cancelation or opposition request was received, to inform the Titleholder of the adopted determination, to the effect, that if it does proceed, it should be made effective within the next fifteen days following the date of communication to the Titleholder. The periods referred to previously may be extended only one for the same time period, only when the circumstances in the case justify the extension.
If it's a request to access Personal Data, the one Responsible will proceed with the delivery after having accredited the identity of the petitioner or of his legal representative. The delivery of the Personal date will be free of cost, except for the shipping cost and for the expenses incurred in the reproduction of copies or other formats, which should be paid by the Titleholder or by his/ her Legal Representative. In the case of a Titleholder repeating his/her request during a period shorter than twelve months, he/she will have to cover the corresponding costs equivalent to no more than 3 days of the Current Minimum Salary in the D.F. in terms of the LFPDPPP, unless there are substantial modifications to the Privacy Notice that motivate new inquiries.
For the request referring to cancellations of Personal Data, besides what is disposed by the present Privacy Notice, will adhere to what is disposed in Article 26 of the LFPDPPP, including the cases of Personal Data cancellation exceptions there indicated. VIII.- Revocation, usage limitation or disclosure of his/her personal data
So that you can revoke the consent that you have awarded for the treatment of your personal data, at any moment, with the purpose of cancelling our usage of said data, with the exception of the presumptions established in Article 10 of the Federal Law for Protection of Personal data held by Private Persons. For this purpose, so that NODO can have the possibility of taking care of said revocation request, the information indicated in previously indicated points 1, 2, 3 and 4 as well as number VII should be supplied, before our Privacy office, through the channels indicated in number VI of the present Notice. NODO will attend your request in a maximum period of ten working days following the reception of your revocation request, and will inform you on the procedure of the same through an e mail indicated by you in your request. It’s important that you take into considerations that not in all cases can we attend your request or cancel the use immediately, because it’s possible that some legal obligation require the continued treatment of your personal data. NODO
We offer you the possibility of limiting the usage or disclosure of your personal data to participate in our interviews, surveys or group sessions, or for the usage of your data in any of the secondary purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, by sending an e mail to the following electronic address:, so that you can be registered in the corresponding exclusion list, according to your request. You can limit the usage or disclosure of your data by sending a letter to NODO, located at Homero 229 piso 8, Colonia Polanco, Código Postal 11560, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, México, D.F. Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:00 hours, or by sending an email to the aforementioned electronic mail address. For this effect, a period of 10 working days after receipt of the request are necessary to process the withdrawal.
VIII.- Changes to the Privacy Notice.
NODO reserves the right to periodically update the present Privacy Notice in accordance to the changes of our practices of information in attention to the legislative innovations, internal policies or new requirements for the rendering of our services or products. These modifications will be available to the public or through our Internet page, so that the Holder can consult them in the website We recommend the Holder consult our Privacy Notice at least twice a year to be updated in the terms and conditions of the same.
IX.- Federal Institute of Access to the Information and Protection of Personal Data (IFAI).
The Holder of the Personal Data , in the case that he/she considers that his/her rights of protection of personal data have been violated by the undue treatment of his /her personal data, could file his corresponding complaint or denouncement before the Federal Institute of Access to the Information and Protection of Personal Data (IFAI), for more information visit www. November 2013